Organize your actions into daily and weekly battle plans and get more done in less time.

Use the Next button at the bottom of the page to move through the overview.

Starting a new battle plan

  1. 1.Click Actions at the top of the window. [See screen shot below]
  2. 2.Then click the Write a New Battle Plan button.

Select battle plan options

  1. 3.

    Select daily or weekly, the date and the post

    1. Choose either daily or weekly for the battle plan.
    2. Choose the date the battle plan is for. If it's a weekly battle plan, the date will adjust to the week ending date automatically.
    3. Select the post you are writing the battle plan for.
    4. Once selected, click Next button.

Write your battle plan

  1. 4.

    This page of the window will help you write a complete battle plan.

    1. Review the data on writing and using a battle plan as needed by clicking on the Battle Plans link. This will display the Help page, as shown below.
    2. The new battle plan is blank with one section and one blank target.
    3. The toolbar has controls for adding new sections and targets to the battle plan.

Battle plans have targets which can be grouped in sections

  1. 5.

    To change the name of a section:

    1. Click on the section title.
    2. Enter a new section name and press the Enter key.

Adding condition write-up to your battle plan

  1. 6.

    Add your condition write-up to your battle plan:

    1. The Conditions List tab lists your most recent condition write-ups. The selected write-up is displayed below the list.
    2. To add a condition write-up to your battle plan, click the Copy Formula Steps button.
    3. The condition write-up will be added to your battle plan in its own section.

Reviewing past battle plans and bringing targets forward

  1. 7.You can review past battle plans and bring forward any targets you didn't complete:
    1. Click on the Past Battle Plans List tab. Your recent battle plans will be listed. The targets of the selected battle plan are listed below the battle plan list.
    2. To copy a battle plan section click the Copy Battle Plan Section button. To copy a target click the Copy Battle Plan Target button.
    3. Add additional sections and targets to your battle plan by using the buttons indicated.
    4. Your complete battle plan with sections and targets is shown.
    5. Click the Next button.

Finishing your battle plan

  1. 8.Review your battle plan. Click the Back button to make any changes. Click Finish to save your battle plan.

Viewing battle plans in the Dashboard

  1. 9.You can view the battle plans of your posts and posts junior to you by doing the following:
    1. Select the post from the list on the left side of the dashboard.
    2. Click on the Battle Plans panel tab on the right side of the dashboard window.
    3. The Battle Plans panel will slide out and you can view all of the battle plans for the post.
    4. To make changes to your battle plan or mark targets done, click the button.

Using battle plans

Using battle plans helps you complete the actions of your conditions, helps you be more efficient with your time and helps you keep track of the actions you need to take each day or week.

By using the Management by Statistics 3 software, and getting your individual employees monitoring and tracking their own production, you are giving them the tools they need to produce the results you want.